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Satori CI is an Automated Testing platform that asserts the behavior of command executions. Test software, binaries and live systems using our playbooks or by building your own playbooks.


Satori can execute tests synchronously or asynchronously:

  • Use our CLI tool, which can be installed with pip install satori-ci.
  • Use our Website.


You can use Satori with:

Playbook's language

Our YAML-based language allows you to define executions, specify their inputs, and assert whether their behavior aligns with your expectations. Tests are encapsulated within files called playbooks, with different settings depending on the execution mode: Run, CI, Scan, and/or Monitor.

All our tests are stored in what we call playbooks. You can check our online playbooks in our Github repository for our public marketplace.


We provide a comprehensive approach to testing code repositories on Github. Whether your repositories are attached to our CI process or not, you can perform tests on one or all of your repositories to assert their correctness (e.g., ensuring no passwords are stored, that software is being built and executed correctly, and that secure coding standards are followed). You can visualize the results using our Web interface or with our CLI (satori repos).


Your playbooks can run at a certain rate. The frequency is defined within the settings with a certain rate (ie, '5 minutes') or using the cron format (ie, '*/5 * * * *').

You can view your monitors using the Web interface, the CLI (satori monitors), or Grafana.


We will notify you according to your preferences. We support a variety of communication methods:

  • Slack
  • Discord
  • Email
  • Telegram
  • Github Issues

You can define these notifications within your Team settings


We process the output to produce reports based on the files that were generated. We can also let you know about the difference between consecutive reports to identify whenever you are fixing -or introducing new- bugs. You can access your reports using on the reports section of the Web or with the CLI: satori reports.


Reports, repositories and monitors may have a lot of results that may not fit within a page. You will find a pagination system for the web and you can use the -p # parameter in the command line to see the additional pages for the previous results.


If you need any help, please reach out to us on Discord or via Email