Satori CI Logo

Satori CI

Install, Update and Configure

pip3 install satori-ci Install the latest version
satori update Update to the latest version
satori config token "USERTOKEN" Configure your user token as your default profile
satori config token "TEAMTOKEN" --profile TEAM Configure your team token on your team profile

Run asynchronously

satori run ./ Upload the current dir and run the playbook .satori.yml
satori run playbook.yml Upload the playbook and run it
satori run ./ --playbook="satori://..." Upload the current dir and run the specified playbook

Run synchronously using these parameters

--sync Show the result
--report Show the report
--output Show the output
--files Download the files created if the setting files was set to True

Run playbooks with variables

--data VAR="This is the value of VAR" Provide values for the undefined playbook variables


satori playbooks List your private playbooks
satori playbooks --public List the public playbooks
satori playbook ID Show a certain playbook
satori playbook ID public Toggles the playbook's visibility
satori playbook ID delete Delete the playbook


satori Show your general dashboard
satori team TEAM Show your TEAM dashboard


satori reports List reports
satori report ID Show the report ID
satori report ID --json Show the JSON of the report ID
satori report ID output Show the output of the report ID
satori report ID output --json Show the JSON's output of the report ID
satori report ID files Download the files created (if Files was set to True in settings)
satori report ID public Toggles the report's visibility
satori report ID stop Stop the current report execution
satori report ID delete Delete the report ID


satori repos List the repositories connected to CI or tested
satori repo GithubUser/Repo Shows the repository Visibility, CI, Playbook, Status, Result and its team.
satori repo GithubUser/Repo run Run the repository's playbook on the latest commit
satori repo GithubUser/Repo run --playbook="satori://..." Run another playbook on the latest commit
satori repo GithubUser/Repo commits Show the list of commits and the reports associated


satori monitors List monitors
satori monitor ID List the reports associated to a monitor ID
satori monitor ID stop Stop a monitor ID
satori monitor ID start Start a monitor ID
satori monitor ID clean Delete the reports associated to the monitor ID
satori monitor ID delete Delete the monitor ID
satori monitor ID public Toggles the monitor's visibility


satori scans List scans
satori scan GithubUser/Repo [-c N] Scan the Github repository with the repository's playbook a coverage of 1 (default) to 100
satori scan GithubUser/Repo [--playbook="satori://..."] Scan the Github repository with a different playbook
satori scan GithubUser/Repo check-commits Get the repository commits before scanning
satori scan GithubUser/Repo check-forks Get the repository forks before scanning
satori scan ID status Show the status of a scan
satori scan ID stop Stop the scan
satori scan ID start Start a previously stopped scan on the repo
satori scan ID clean Delete the reports associated to the repo
satori scan ID delete Delete the monitor
satori scan ID public Toggle the monitor's visibility


satori teams List your teams
satori team TEAM Show the TEAM dashboard
satori team TEAM create Create a new team named TEAM
satori team TEAM members List your TEAM members
satori team TEAM monitors List your TEAM monitors
satori team TEAM repos List your TEAM repositories
satori team TEAM reports List your TEAM reports
satori team TEAM settings List your TEAM settings
satori team TEAM get_config NAME Show your TEAM's config setting
satori team TEAM set_config NAME VALUE Set your TEAM CONFIG setting
satori team TEAM add --github="GithubUser" Owners and admins can add users via Github to the TEAM
--role="READ" Use the role READ (default) or ADMIN
satori team TEAM add --email="" Owners and admins can add users via Email to the TEAM
--role="READ" Use the role READ (default) or ADMIN
satori team TEAM add --monitor="MONITORID" Add the monitor ID to your TEAM
satori team TEAM add --repo="GithubUser/repo" Add the repo to your TEAM
satori team TEAM del --github="GithubUser" Delete the GithubUser from your TEAM
satori team TEAM del --email="" Delete the email from the TEAM
satori team TEAM del --repo="GithubUser/repo" Delete the repo from the TEAM
satori team TEAM del --monitor="MONITORID" Delete the monitor from the TEAM
satori team TEAM delete Delete the TEAM