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Integrating Satori with Jenkins

Once you’ve installed both Satori and Jenkins, you’re ready to integrate Satori-CI into Jenkins by following these steps:

1. Create a new Jenkins project:

  • In the Jenkins dashboard, click on “New Item” at the top left side.

New Item

2. Enter project details:

  • Name the project: enter a project name.
  • Select project type: choose Freestyle Project to create a simple project.
  • Click Okay to proceed.

Item details

3. Configure additional project details:

You can configure specific details about your project, such as Git repository, build triggers, or environment variables, if needed.

Project details

4. Add a build step for Satori:

  • Go to the Build section of your Jenkins project and edit the command to use the absolute path.

    satori run ./ --sync

Build Step

5. Start the Build:

Click on Build Now in your Jenkins dashboard to run the build and trigger the Satori integration.

Build Now

Configuring the Satori Path in Jenkins

Note: Jenkins may require the absolute path to the satori command. If it doesn’t automatically recognize satori, follow these steps to set the correct path.

Locating the full path to satori:

  • Linux/Mac:
    • Open your terminal and run:
      whereis satori
    • Copy the full path displayed (e.g., /usr/local/bin/satori).
  • Windows:
    • Open cmd and use:
      where satori
    • Copy the full path to satori.exe displayed in the output (e.g., C:\Program Files\Satori\satori.exe).