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Playbook results

Satori-CI is an automated testing platform that executes Playbooks to validate conditions. After a Playbook is run, the platform generates a report indicating the result of the test, we deliver a report either a Pass or Fail.

You can view and manage your test reports using either the command line interface or on the web.

Listing Reports

To list all your reports from the command line, use the following command:

satori reports

CLI Reports

You can also view your reports on the Satori-CI website at:

Web Reports

Both methods allow you to obtain the report IDs, which you can use to view single report.

Filtering Reports

You can filter your reports using various parameters to narrow down the results:

  • repo: filter by repository (e.g., satorici/satori-cli).
  • playbook: filter by Playbook URL (e.g., satori://code/semgrep.yml).
  • status: filter by report status (Pending, Running, Completed, or Undefined).
  • result: filter by report result (Pass or Fail).
  • from: limit to commits from a specific date (format: year-month-day, e.g., 2020-12-30).
  • to: limit to commits until a specific date (format: year-month-day, e.g., 2023-01-10).
  • satori_error: filter by whether an error occurred during report generation (True or False).
  • email: filter by pusher email.
  • user: filter by Satori-CI user name.
  • type: filter by report execution type (monitor, github, or playbook_bundle).

This parameters can be used to check and filter specific reports that you are looking for.

  • Example: "I want to see all failed reports for the repositories of the account satorici"
satori reports --filter="repo=satorici/*,result=fail"
  • Example: "I want to see a list of reports related to the playbook trufflehog"
satori reports --filter="playbook=satori://code/trufflehog"


When dealing with a large number of results, such as reports, repositories, or monitors, we provide a pagination system to help you navigate through the data more efficiently. To access additional pages, use the -p X option, where X represents the page number you want to view.

satori reports -p 2

Viewing a Single Report

To view a specific report, specify the report ID as follows:

satori report REPORT_ID

CLI Report

Or on the web:

Web Report

Command output

This displays a summary of the execution data along with the command output and assertions applied.

satori report REPORT_ID output

Or on the web:

Web Report

Downloading Files

If your execution generates files, you can download them using the CLI:

satori report REPORT_ID files