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Satori provides automatic testing for repositories, especially when they are connected to our GitHub Application. Additionally, it is possible to test repositories not connected to your CI that you have access to.

Whenever you wish to check the status of your repositories, the Satori CLI repo command can assist you. It executes the .satori.yml playbook within your repository unless you are using public playbooks, which you can list with satori-cli playbook --public.


List all your repositories:

satori repos

Satori repository list


This command shows if the repository is connected to CI, whether it has a valid playbook, and the last results of its execution, including any potential errors encountered during the playbook's execution.

satori repo githubUsername/repository

Repository details


Playbook on a Repository

Run the .satori.yml playbook on the latest commit of the repository:

satori repo githubUsername/repository run

Running repo playbook

Private Playbook

To run a different playbook instead of .satori.yml, specify it with the --playbook parameter:

satori repo githubUsername/repository run --playbook playbook.yml
Report of running a python lint analyzer
Report from running the python lint analyzer ruff on the repo satorici/satori-cli
Output of running a python lint analyzer
Output from running the python lint analyzer ruff on the repo satorici/satori-cli

Public Playbook

Public playbooks can be listed with the command:

satori playbooks --public

Public predefined tests by Satori are hosted on, which is abbreviated as satori://.

For example, run the public playbook satori://some/playbook.yml (equivalent to

satori repo githubUsername/repository run --playbook satori://some/playbook.yml

Running public playbook

Run on Multiple Repositories

Trufflehog is a software that finds secrets stored in code. You can run the Trufflehog playbook on all the repositories of a given account. For example:

satori repo "githubUsername/*" run --playbook satori://code/trufflehog.yml

Running Trufflehog on multiple repositories

Analyze Commit

Run the repository's playbook on a specific commit (on any branch you choose):

satori repo run

Running playbook on a commit